AI Washing: The Hidden Risk of Artificial Intelligence in 2025
January 2, 2025 | by Felipe Matos

Have you ever heard of “IA Washing”? This is the new term that promises to make its presence felt in the world of technology in 2025. In my latest article, published on LinkedIn, I explore how exaggerating or falsifying the use of artificial intelligence by companies can bring a series of problems for consumers and the market as a whole.
What is IA Washing?
This is the practice of companies claiming to use AI in an exaggerated or even false way, just to appear more innovative. Imagine products that promise to be “revolutionary” thanks to artificial intelligence, but that, in practice, deliver nothing more than empty marketing. That’s what we’re talking about.
Why is this worrying?
THE IA Washing not only generates distrust among consumers, but also harms those who are truly innovating with ethics and transparency. In addition, it creates false expectations, diverts resources from genuine projects and, without clear regulations, opens the door to deceptive practices.
What to do to avoid being scammed?
In this article, I share practical tips for identifying when the use of AI is legitimate or just a marketing ploy. Ask questions, get informed, seek transparency and, above all, promote the ethical use of technology.
Want to know more? Check out the full analysis in my LinkedIn article and understand how IA Washing can impact the technology market and our daily lives in 2025.
👉 Read the full article on LinkedIn! (Portuguese)
👉 Read the full article on LinkedIn!
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